Iphoto for mac os
Iphoto for mac os

iphoto for mac os

For steps on “unhiding” iPhoto, see this support article on Apple’s website. If iPhoto doesn’t appear in the list of applications in the Purchases tab, it’s possible that iPhoto has been hidden from your purchases list.Your only options in this case are to revert to an earlier version of OS X that supports your version of iPhoto, or switch over to using the new Photos app (if you’re running OS X 10.10 Yosemite). If your Mac came with an earlier version of iPhoto, there is no way to download the latest version of iPhoto from the app store. Reinstalling will only work if your Mac shipped with iPhoto 9.0 or later, or you purchased iPhoto 9.0 or later from the Mac App Store.There are a few obstacles you may encounter when following these steps: If you wish to restore it, after iPhoto has finished installing, drag the iPhoto icon from the Applications folder to the dock to add it back in.

iphoto for mac os

If you’ve installed OS X 10.10.3 with the new Photos app, that will have also removed the iPhoto icon from your dock.


  • Click “Install” to install the latest version of iPhoto from the app store.
  • iPhoto should appear in the list of apps shown there, with an “Install” button next to it
  • Select “App Store…” from the Apple menu in the upper left corner of the screen.
  • Emptying the trash isn’t necessary, but you can do so if you need to clear up some free space.
  • Drag iPhoto from the Applications folder to the trash.
  • Look for iPhoto in the list of applications - if it is indeed an incompatible version, it will likely have a circle with a slash through it displayed over the app’s icon.
  • Click the Finder icon in the dock to bring it to the front, then select the Applications folder (or press command-shift-a).
  • First, make sure your backups are up to date, just in case you should need to revert or retry any of the steps here.
  • To download the latest version of iPhoto: It is still possible for most Macs to get the latest version of iPhoto, but it now requires jumping through some hoops.


    Normally, it would be a simple matter of updating your version of iPhoto via the Mac App Store, but since Apple’s release of their new Photos app, iPhoto is now no longer available on the app store, which makes it impossible to directly update older versions of iPhoto. If this is the case, then trying to open libraries or perform other operations with iPhoto Library Manager will likely result in an error message saying that the installed version of iPhoto is not compatible. Certain versions of OS X enforce a minimum version of iPhoto that must be installed, and will refuse to run older versions.

    Iphoto for mac os