Empire total war guide
Empire total war guide

empire total war guide empire total war guide

empire total war guide

Military Weaknesses: Besides being behind in technology because of the glitch mentioned earlier, the American army does lack a few things. In addition, some American ships are cheaper than average to build and maintain. Their ships are also somewhat better than most other faction's ships, with the exceptions of Great Britain and France: most American ships boast a +10 reload speed over their rivals (though inferior to Great Britain's +15), along with better than average hull strength and morale. Now the navy, along with Great Britain, United States are one of only two factions to have a unique ship: the USS Constitution, a powerful and durable 24-pounder Frigate (which are also unique ships that are only available to the Americans). The US cavalry roster is below average however their regiment of horse and militia cavalry have the 'good stamina' bonus which helps make up for having a below average cavalry roster. The US also benefits from having a handful of unique DLC regiments that can be used to add morale support to your armies that may be more militia centered. Another good mention goes to the minutemen which despite being militia are still very good units. Long Riflemen (which benefit from not needing machine rifling to build) and Legion of the United States are very good units. The American land army for the most part is average but it's strengths lie in it's light infantry and militia. The US also cannot industrialize too fast or it will lead to public order issues, which would require one to lower taxes early which isn't ideal. Another weakness is that the US's starting navy is literally 3 ships and the AIs will be quick to expand their navies, the US's economy also can't really support a significant naval expansion early so gaining 100% naval dominance is extremely unlikely and at most you will be able to fend off standard strength enemy fleets from any trade fleets you have. Also, since you are the only major nation that's home region is the Americas it will not be able to use gentlemen to go around stealing tech. Map Position/Starting Stance Weaknesses: Now something that many might not know is that one big weakness that the US has is that a glitch causes every single other faction to instantly research the entire tech tree after the first turn, there is however one upside to this but I will cover that in a later section but for now all you need to know is that you will be at a disadvantage technologically for the entire game. The US also starts with two major cities, Philadelphia and Boston. Population is also quite small so converting regions to your religion will be extremely easy, so much so that your missionaries can convert roughly have the theater just by themselves with Hispaniola, New Grenada, and New Andalusia being the toughest regions to try to convert to Protestantism. This means that you can dominate your opponents whilst having armies that are smaller than usual.


Map Position/Starting Stance Strengths: The United States has a strong starting position because they are in a theater that is full of primitive tribes and lightly defended European colonies.

Empire total war guide